Food allergies can be life threatening. The only way to manage a food allergy is by avoiding the food allergen. If you suspect you or someone you care for has a food allergy, you should contact a doctor so you can be referred to a clinical immunology / allergy specialist or doctor with experience in food allergy for diagnosis and ongoing management.
The Allergen Collaboration has agreed to a number of key messages for consumers in regard to food allergy. These are listed below.
Key messages
- You should be referred to a clinical immunology / allergy specialist or doctor with experience in food allergy for accurate diagnosis and ongoing management
- Always check food labels for food allergens every time you eat or when you purchase or order foods
- Tell your friends that you have food allergy, explain signs and symptoms and emergency treatment. Show them where you keep your emergency medication and how to administer it
- Always disclose your food allergy and clearly ask about food allergen content when eating away from home (tell wait staff about your specific food allergy and do not simply ask if a food item has the food allergen in it)
- Always be vigilant when planning to eat or when purchasing food, especially in high risk situations where food may be inadvertently cross contaminated with food allergens by other customers (e.g. buffet meals, bulk bin food containers, etc.)
- Always carry your adrenaline (epinephrine) autoinjector if you are prescribed one and be prepared to use it
- Always carry your ASCIA (Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy) Action Plan that has been completed and signed by your doctor and know what to do if you have a reaction
- If you have food allergies that are challenging to manage when eating out, call the venue ahead to discuss whether they can cater for you safely. Some may allow you to take your own food but this would be at the food operator's discretion.
Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy - ASCIA is the peak medical body for allergy and immunology in Australia and New Zealand.
- ASCIA Action Plans and Treatment Plans
- Patient information
- How to give EpiPen
- Dietary avoidance information sheets
Food Standards Australia New Zealand
- Information about allergen labelling
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia - consumer/patient support organisation
- Signs and symptoms of allergic reaction information and video
- How to give an EpiPen information and video
- Food allergen cards - wallet size can be purchased through online shop
- Tree nut fact sheets
- Tips on eating out - including printable Chef Card
- Reporting a reaction - for information and support email the Allergy Facts Coordinator mailbox or call 1300 728 000
National Allergy Strategy resources
- - online hub for pre-teens and teens, developed by young people for young people living with severe allergy to find information and share information with other young people living with food allergy.
- Food allergy education - a community education website with practical information about how to manage food allergy.
Nuts for Life
- Information about nuts and allergies
New Zealand
Ministry for Primary Industries