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The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election. 

Stakeholder engagement


FSANZ proudly works in partnership with government, industry, public health and community stakeholders to keep the food supply safe. 

What we engage on

FSANZ engages with the public and stakeholders to inform and support its work in areas including:

  • applications and proposals to change the Food Standards Code
  • public health and food policy
  • monitoring activities such as surveys of pesticide residues or chemicals in food
  • food recalls and incidents
  • consumer and food safety research
  • imported food matters
  • international food safety matters
  • emerging food safety issues.

How we engage

We engage with our stakeholders through formal, informal and project channels. Our well-established industry, public health and jurisdictional engagement committees support cooperative work and information sharing with stakeholders, while our public consultation processes provide everyone with the opportunity to participate in standards development. We also engage with food safety specialists, scientists, academics and regulatory experts through project and standards development advisory committees, food supply surveillance and monitoring activities, and food recalls and incidents.

Statutory engagement

FSANZ is required by law to engage on the development of new standards. We do this though a call for submissions on all applications and proposals to change the Food Standards Code, notified through our website, media releases, social media and subscription channels.

Committees and groups

FSANZ manages a number of committees and groups to engage with industry, consumer, public health and jurisdictional representatives. These include:

  • Consumer and Public Health Dialogue 
  • Binational Food Industry Dialogue
  • Jurisdictional Technical Forum

Scientific advice

FSANZ seeks scientific advice from experts working in research agencies, universities and other organisations. Working with experts helps build our knowledge and facilitates a greater understanding and consensus on the science underpinning our work. These experts help us by collaborating on projects or as members of scientific advisory groups.


FSANZ's informal engagement includes regular one-on-one interaction with stakeholders through direct contact or responses to enquiries. We also attend professional conferences and industry visits.


FSANZ undertakes regular surveys and consultations to better understand the needs and concerns of consumers and our stakeholders. The surveys help us provide consumers with the information they need to make informed choices about the food they buy and ensure we continue to improve our service delivery to meet the needs of stakeholders. Surveys include:

  • the annual FSANZ Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey
  • the Consumer Insights Tracker.   




Page last updated: 20 April 2018