Food is more than the sum of its parts. It involves values, beliefs, identities, cultures and risk and benefit perceptions that drive both consumer and producer behaviour. Understanding the way people think and behave, and why, is critical to developing high quality food standards that meet their intended objectives. FSANZ’s social science capability ensures that our regulatory decisions are informed by the best available consumer evidence.
Our research and reviews
Social scientists at FSANZ undertake original research and literature reviews to provide evidence to inform applications and proposals to change the Food Standards Code, or to better understand consumer awareness, attitudes and behaviours in relation to food labelling and consumption.
Read our research reports and reviews below.
Consumer Insights Tracker
Public confidence in the food supply is a cornerstone of a healthy population and a strong economy. FSANZ is committed to maintaining and enhancing public trust in the food regulatory system in partnership with food and health authorities across Australia and New Zealand. The annual Consumer Insights Tracker is a mechanism for understanding everyday consumers’ views on the food regulatory system, providing access to our most important but least accessible stakeholders.
The Consumer Insights Tracker is an annual, online survey of approximately 1,200 Australian and 800 New Zealand consumers aged 18+ years. It is based on a nationally representative sample by the interlocked quotas of age, gender, and location. The survey consists of approximately 40 quantitative questions that measure consumer trust and confidence in the food system, use and understanding of food labelling, attitudes and consumption intentions around new and emerging foods, and food safety perceptions and behaviours.
Reports and infographics from the latest iteration of the Consumer Insights Tracker are available below.
2023 results
- Consumer Insights Tracker 2023: Simple Report (PDF 34.7 MB)
This report provides an overview of the findings from the 2023 Consumer Insights Tracker.
- Consumer Insights Tracker 2023: Technical Report (PDF 2.94 MB)
This report provides the full findings, methodological and statistical details from the 2023 Consumer Insights Tracker.
- Consumer Insights Tracker 2023: Infographic (PDF 118 KB)
This infographic provides a quick snapshot of the key findings from the 2023 Consumer Insights Tracker.
Original research
- Alcohol labelling consumer research report: Consumer responses to sugar claims, carbohydrate claims and nutrition information panels on alcoholic beverages (2024; PDF 10.73MB)
This randomised controlled trial investigated consumer perceptions and behavioural intentions in response to sugar claims, carbohydrate claims and nutrition information panels on alcoholic beverages to inform Proposal P1049 – Carbohydrate and sugar claims on alcoholic beverages and Proposal P1059 – Energy labelling on alcoholic beverages.
- Energy labelling on alcoholic beverages: The effects of various labelling formats on consumer perceptions and behavioural intentions (2023; PDF 1.24MB)
This randomised controlled trial compared the effects of different energy labelling formats on consumer perceptions and behaviours on a nationally representative sample of Australian and New Zealand consumers to inform Proposal P1059 – Energy labelling on alcoholic beverages.
- Consumers’ awareness, safety perceptions, and consumption intentions regarding cell-cultured meat (2023; PDF 302KB)
This paper provided an early excerpt of results from FSANZ’s inaugural Consumer Insights Tracker on consumers’ awareness, safety perceptions, and consumption intentions regarding cell-cultured meat to inform consideration of Application A1269 – Cultured quail as a novel food.
- Consumers’ perceptions of and attitudes towards genetically modified foods (2022; PDF 1.39MB)
This survey examined perceptions of and attitudes towards genetically modified foods and NBTs used in food production among a nationally representative sample of Australian and New Zealand consumers to inform Proposal P1055 – Definitions for gene technology and new breeding techniques.
Literature reviews
- Consumer literature review for P1049: Consumer value, perceptions and behaviours in relation to carbohydrate and sugar claims on alcoholic beverages (2023; PDF 711KB)
This literature review considered evidence on consumer responses to carbohydrate and sugar claims on alcoholic beverages to inform Proposal P1049 – Carbohydrate and sugar claims on alcoholic beverages.
- Consumer evidence summary: ‘No added sugar(s)’ claims (2023; PDF 732KB)
This literature review considered evidence on consumer understanding and responses to ‘no added sugar(s)’ claims on food products to inform Proposal P1062 – Defining added sugars for claims
- Consumer literature review: Application A1269: Cultured quail as a novel food (2023; PDF 531KB)
This literature review considered available evidence on consumers’ understanding, preference and acceptance of different terminologies for cell-cultured meats, as well as consumers’ perceptions of cell-cultured meat relative to conventional meat to inform consideration of Application A1269 – Cultured quail as a novel food.
- Rapid systematic evidence summary on infant formula stage labelling and proxy advertising (2023; PDF 467KB)
This literature review considered evidence on consumers’ perceptions and behaviour relating to stage labelling and proxy advertising on infant formula products to inform Proposal P1028 – Infant formula.
- Rapid Systematic Literature Review for P1058 – Nutrition Labelling About Added Sugars (2022; PDF 123KB)
This literature review explored consumer understanding of ‘added sugars’ and similar terminologies, and consumer perceptions of ‘added sugars’ in the Nutrition Information Panel (NIP) or international equivalents, to inform Proposal P1058 – Nutrition labelling about added sugars.
- Consumer literature review: Behaviours, understandings, risk perceptions, and information sources regarding caffeinated foods (2022; PDF 1.04MB)
This literature review examined available evidence on consumer behaviour, understanding, risk perceptions, and information sources regarding caffeinated foods (including beverages), with a specific focus on children, adolescents, athletes, and pregnant/lactating women, to inform Proposal P1056 – Caffeine review.
- Consumer literature review: Demographics, practices, contexts, and understandings of kava beverage in Australia and New Zealand (2022; PDF 313KB)
This literature review examined available evidence on consumer demographics, practices, contexts, and understandings of kava beverage in Australia and New Zealand to inform the 12-month review of Proposal P1057 – Review of the Kava Standard.
- Consumer literature review: Value/motivation, understanding and behaviour in relation to energy content information on alcoholic beverages (2021; PDF)
This literature review considered evidence on consumers’ values, motivations, understanding and behaviour in relation to energy content information on alcoholic beverages to inform early consideration of this issue.