Call for comment on proposed changes to residue limits for agricultural and veterinary chemicals


Date: 23/08/2023

​​​Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today released its annual call for comment on proposed changes to Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for nominated agricultural and veterinary chemicals.

FSANZ CEO Dr Sandra Cuthbert said FSANZ is considering requests to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) to align 127 chemicals with limits set by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, Codex Alimentarius Commission, and other international food standards agencies.

“As part of an annual harmonisation process, FSANZ will add or amend an MRL, only if the results of our internationally-benchmarked dietary exposure assessments find there are no public health and safety concerns," Dr Cuthbert said.

She said the proposed amendments would help reduce trade barriers and support Australian food imports, while keeping Australian consumers safe.

“In addition to minimising residues in foods consistent with the effective control of pests and diseases, the proposed amendments will promote consistency between domestic and international food regulatory measures."

MRLs are the highest amount of an agricultural or veterinary chemical residue that is allowed to remain in or on a food sold in Australia.

Limits established in the Code are based on how much of a chemical is needed to control pests and/or diseases and are set well below the acceptable levels to protect public health and safety.

FSANZ invites comments from interested parties on the proposed amendments by 6pm (AEST) 4 October 2023.

For more information on the proposal and how you can have your say see our call for comment page.

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