From time to time FSANZ engages with experts from research agencies, universities industry and other organisations. We work with these experts as members of advisory groups which are formed to focus on specific issues. Read about the main advisory groups we work below.
Food Allergy and Intolerance Scientific Advisory Group
The Food Allergy and Intolerance Scientific Advisory Group (FAISAG) was established to assist FSANZ in managing allergens in food.
The FAISAG provides expert advice to FSANZ on a range of matters related to food allergy and intolerance, which FSANZ uses to assess and manage risk to allergic consumers. The group meets with FSANZ scientists as required.
FAISAG members
Dr Robert Loblay - Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney
Dr Jane Peake - Lady Cilento Children's Hospital, Brisbane
Ingrid Roche, APD, Princess Margaret Hospital, Perth
Dr Jan Sinclair - Starship Childrens Hospital, Auckland
High Level Health Claims Committee
The role of the High Level Health Claims Committee is to consider and provide recommendations to FSANZ in relation to applications or proposals that are assessed under the high level health claims variation procedure. This committee was formed under s.118 of the Food Standards Australian New Zealand Act 1991.
Members 2023-2025
Ms Christel Leemhuis, General Manager Science & Risk Assessment, FSANZ
Associate Professor Kim Bell-Anderson, University of Sydney
Dr Dorothy Mackerras, Senior Research Fellow, SAHMRI Women & Kids (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute) Adelaide
Professor Jim Mann, University of Otago
Emeritus Professor Caryl Nowson, Deakin University
New Breeding Techniques Expert Advisory Group
An Expert Advisory Group on New Breeding Techniques (EAG NBT) will provide expert advice on a range of technical issues related to FSANZ’s consideration of potential amendments to definitions for ‘gene technology’ and ‘food produced using gene technology’ in the Food Standards Code, under proposal P1055.
EAG NBT Members 2020
Dr Goetz Laible – AgResearch, New Zealand
Associate Prof. Rob Lanfear – Australian National University, Australia
Prof. Brian Priestly – Monash University, Australia
Prof. Joanna Putterill – The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Dr Mark Tizard – CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Australia
Scientific Nanotechnology Advisory Group
FSANZ has set up a Scientific Nanotechnology Advisory Group (SNAG) comprising experts in the fields of nanosafety, pharmacology, nano-food technology, toxicology and nanometrology. The SNAG will advise on the development of guidance for a range of stakeholders, future uses of nanotechnology in food and food packaging and national/international legislation and policy.
Professor Brian Priestly, Monash University
Professor Mike Roberts, University of Queensland and University of South Australia
Professor (adj) Andrew Bartholomeus, University of Queensland and University of Canberra
Dr Victoria Coleman, National Measurement Institute
Dr Nobheetha Jayasekara, National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme
Dr Simon Loveday, Massey Institute of Food Science and Technology, New Zealand
More information
Social Sciences and Economics Advisory Group
The Social Sciences and Economics Advisory Group (SSEAG) provides expert social sciences and economics advice to FSANZ.
The primary role of the SSEAG is to assist FSANZ in developing and reviewing the social sciences and economics evidence base underpinning its decisions. SSEAG may provide advice on all aspects from project inception to conclusion including appropriate behavioural, social and economic theory and study design, methodological approach, statistical analysis techniques, and the appropriate interpretation of findings.
From time to time, FSANZ invites SSEAG members to form a sub-committee to provide advice, expertise and input to a specific topic(s), issue or project.
SSEAG was established in 2008. Members are appointed for three years and can be reappointed. Meetings are held at least once a year and are chaired by FSANZ.
SSEAG members
Professor Jeffrey Bennett - Australian National University
Professor Michael Burton - University of Western Australia
Professor John Coveney - Flinders University
Professor Elizabeth Webster – University of Melbourne
Professor Rachel Ankeny - University of Adelaide
Professor Cliona Ni Mhurchu - University of Auckland
Professor Christine Parker - University of Melbourne
Associate Professor Trent Smith - University of Otago
Associate Professor Bridget Kelly – University of Wollongong
Dr Anne Macaskill – Victoria University of Wellington