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APS Census Results 2024


The Australian Public Service (APS) Employee Census is an annual survey that gathers insights into how employees perceive the APS, their specific agency, and their workplace. It helps agencies to identify and target strategies to build and enhance capability in the workplace.

The 2024 APS Census results for Food Standards Australia New Zealand can be found at the bottom of this page.

We're pleased to report another excellent response to the Census, where we maintained our 91 percent participation rate among staff. We have focused on making FSANZ a great place to work and the results can be seen with improvements across almost all areas over last year. Notably our employee engagement score increased 4 points to 77, and all measures within this index were improved on our 2023 results. These results reinforce that staff are proud to work in FSANZ, are committed to our agency’s goals, work beyond what is required to get the job done and would recommend FSANZ as a good place to work.

The Census results aid us in recognising areas of excellence, identifying opportunities for further development, and tracking our progress on organisational strategies, initiatives, and workplace culture. The results are also compared to previous years and the overall APS score of participating agencies.

We have worked collaboratively with our People and Culture Forum and the WHS Committee to identify the key focus areas for the current financial year, building on the good progress to date. These focus areas have also been provided to staff prior to being finalised and published.




Page last updated: 25 November 2022