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Consumer and Public Health Dialogue


The FSANZ Consumer and Public Health Dialogue (CPHD) provides a means by which FSANZ can engage in deeper and more meaningful consultation with peak consumer and public health bodies and academics. The objective is to improve FSANZ's awareness and understanding of community food and health issues; public priorities and through this communication, provide a more effective food regulatory response.

Member organisations

Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance

Cancer Council Australia

Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care

Consumer New Zealand 

Consumers' Federation of Australia

Dietitians Australia

Flinders University


Food for Health Alliance

Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education

Implementation Subcommittee for Food Regulation

Indigenous Allied Health Australia

Massey University New Zealand

New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries

New Zealand Ministry of Health

Public Health Association of Australia

The George Institute for Global Health

The Heart Foundation

University of Wollongong

Completed work:

CPHD Discussion Paper 1: Definition of Public Health (PDF 369KB)

CPHD Discussion Paper 2: Informed Decisions about Food Purchasing (PDF 185KB)

CPHD Discussion Paper 3: Regulatory Challenges (PDF 285KB)

Page last updated: 13 January 2023