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The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election. 

Allergy information for the food service industry


When consumers disclose their food allergy, the food service industry has a responsibility to help the customer with food menu choices by providing information about food allergens that may be present directly and/or indirectly in food menu items.

The Allergen Collaboration has agreed to a number of key messages for the food service industry in regard to food allergens. These are listed below.

Key messages

  • Implement an effective food allergen management program
  • Train all staff in food allergen risks, management and communication
  • Provide clear, up-to-date and accurate information on the food allergen status of the foods you provide
  • When consumers disclose their food allergy, the food service industry has a responsibility to help the customer with appropriate food menu choices by providing information about food allergens that may be present directly and/or indirectly in food menu items
  • Consideration should be given to allowing some consumers with complex or multiple food allergy to bring their own food into your premises. If you choose to allow this in special circumstances, it is safer for all concerned and may encourage these consumers, their family and friends to return


Food Standards Code requirements

Standard 1.2.3 Information requirements - warning statements, advisory statements and declarations lists the food allergens that must be declared on food labels

Standard 1.2.1 Requirements to have labels or otherwise provide information requires the information to be provided when the food is packaged and unpackaged (for example, food sold in a restaurant).

Food allergies and food intolerances information for consumers.


Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia

National Allergy Council

  • All about allergens - this free online training course has been developed to help everyone working in food service, from the manager through to the food preparation and food service staff. The training will help food service staff to be aware of the risks food allergy poses, help identify and manage food allergens and provide help on how to respond to enquiries from customers with food allergy. Free downloadable resources including a food allergen menu matrix template, are also available.
  • Be prepared. Be Allergy Aware - a resource for food service businesses developed by the New South Wales Food Authority and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia

New Zealand

Allergy New Zealand

Page last updated: 23 June 2020