A1161 - Potassium Polyasparatate as a food additive in wine


The purpose of the Application is to permit the use of Potassium Polyaspartate as a food additive in wine at a maximum permitted limit of 100mg/L.

Approval report (pdf 905 kb) | (word 141 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Food technology and safety assessment (at Approval) (pdf 1096 kb) | (word 174 kb)

Submissions (zip 1,189 kb)

Call for submissions - 13 September 2018 (pdf 819 kb) | (word 125 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Food technology and safety assessment (pdf 1096 kb) | (word 174 kb)

Administrative Assessment Report - 15 May 2018 (pdf 279 kb) | (word 64 kb

Application (pdf 2570 kb)

Executive Summary (pdf 462 kb)

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