A1166 - Reduction in minimum alcohol for Tequila


The purpose of this application is to lower the minimum alcohol percentage by
volume specified in Standard 2.7.5 of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards
code for spirits using the Tequila geographical indication (GI) from 37% to

Approval Report - 30 September 2019 (pdf 585 kb) | (word 119 kb)


Brown-Forman Australia Pty Ltd

Diageo Australia

Ministry for Primary Industries New Zealand

New Zealand food & grocery Council


Spirits Platform

Dept of Health and Human Services VIC

Call for submissions - 7 May 2019 (pdf 802 kb) | (word 104 kb)

Administrative Assessment Report - 2
July 2018 (pdf 276 kb)
| (word 64

Application (pdf 2508 kb)

Executive summary (pdf 393 kb)

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