The purpose of the application is to seek approval to vary the minimum protein requirement in follow-on formula.
Approval Report - 30 September 2019 (pdf 1.1 mb) | (word 184 kb)
Supporting document 1 - Nutritional safety assessment (at Approval) (pdf 661.5 kb) | (word 228.5 kb)
Supporting document 2 - Ministerial Policy Guidelines (pdf 290 kb) | (word 74.9 kb)
Australian Food and Grocery Council (pdf 292)
Dairy Goat Co-operative (pdf 55 kb)
Infant Nutrition Council (pdf 219 kb)
Ministry for Primary Industries (pdf 3.4 mb)
NZ Food and Grocery Council (pdf 305 kb)
Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) (pdf 117 kb)
Victorian Department of Health (pdf 170 kb)
Call for submissions - 16 May 2019 (pdf 1080 kb) | (word 133 kb)
Supporting document 1 - Nutritional safety assessment report (pdf 708) | (word 242 kb)
Supporting document 2 - Ministerial Policy Guideline (pdf 153) | (word 74 kb)
Administrative Assessment Report - 20 November 2018 (pdf 277 kb) | (word 65 kb)
Executive Summary (pdf 552 kb)
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