The purpose of this application is the addition of a new total dietary fibre method, AOAC 2017.16, as a permitted method in Schedule 11 of the Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code.
Approval report
Approval report - 8 November 2021(pdf 346 kb) (word 177 kb)
Supporting document 1 at approval - Risk and technical assessment report (pdf 408 kb) (word 370 kb)
Supporting document 2 at approval - Assessment of galacto-oligosaccharides against three beneficial physiological effects(pdf 454 kb) (word 272 kb)
Call for Submissions - 21 May 2021 (pdf 311 kb) (word 179 kb)
Supporting document 1 - Risk and technical assessment report (pdf 387 kb) (word 359 kb)
Supporting document 2 - Assessment of galacto-oligosaccharides against three beneficial physiological effects(pdf 450 kb) (word 269 kb)
Administrative Assessment Report - 30 May 2019 (pdf 505 kb)
Executive Summary (pdf 89 kb)
Application (pdf 702 kb)
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