A1181 - Maximum residue limits for Imazapyr in Barley Grain


The purpose of this application is to increase the
maximum residue limit for imazapyr in barley grain from 0.05ppm to 0.7ppm

Approval Report - 20 December 2019 (pdf 861 kb) | (word 135 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Risk assessment and Dietary Exposure(at Approval) (pdf 642 kb) | (word 135 kb)


Department of Health and Human Services Vic

Call for submissions - 9 October 2019 (pdf 733 kb) | (word 123 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Risk Assessment (pdf 642 kb) | (word 82 kb)

Administrative Assessment Report - 20 June 19 (pdf 336 kb) (word 92 kb)

Executive Summary (pdf 86 kb)

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