A1183 - Enzymatic production of Rebaudioside E

The purpose of this application is to seek approval for a new specification for the steviol glycoside Rebaudioside E produced by an enzymatic conversion method, using enzymes derived from a genetically modified strain of the yeast,
Pichia pastoris.

Approval Report - 14 May 2020 (pdf 1.17 mb) |
(word 154 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Risk Assessment (at Approval) (pdf 865 kb) |
(word 126 kb)


Ministry for Primary Industries

International Stevia Council

Department of Health & Human Services Vic

New Zealand Beverage Council

Australian Beverage Council

New Zealand Food and Grocery Council

Call for submissions - 29 November 2019 (pdf 1Mb |
word 181 kb)

Administrative Assessment Report - 15 August 2019 (pdf 199 kb)
|(word 64 kb)

Application (pdf 1.2Mb)

Appendices (zip 17Mb)

Executive Summary (pdf 170 kb)

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Page last updated 13 May 2020.