The purpose of this Application is to permit 2'-fucosyllactose (2'-FL), produced by microbial fermentation using genetically modified Escherichia coli (E.coli) strains, in infant formula products, follow-on formula and formulated supplementary foods for young children (FSFYC).
Approval report
Approval report - 8 November 2021(pdf 430 kb) (word 198 kb)
Supporting document 1 at approval - Safety Assessment (pdf 486 kb) (word 270 kb)
Call for Submissions - 22 July 2021 (pdf 358 kb) (word 164 kb)
Supporting document 1 - Safety Assessment (pdf 484 kb) (word 268 kb)
Submissions (zip 2.06 mb)
Administrative Assessment Report - 25 October 2019 (pdf 297 kb) (word 62 kb)
Executive Summary (pdf 98 kb)
Application (pdf 1.60 mb)
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