The purpose of the application is to permit the use of Alpha-amylase enzyme from (GM) Trichoderma reesei as a processing aid in brewing and the production of potable alcohol
Approval Report
(PDF 1.03 mb) |
Supporting document 1 - At Approval(PDF 923 kb) |
(Word 187 kb)
Call for submissions 9 June 2020
(PDF 1 mb) |
(Word 176 kb)
Ministry for Primary Industries
(PDF 630 kb)
NZ Food and Grocery Council
(PDF 202 kb)
Victorian Department of Human Health and Services
(PDF 102 kb)
Administrative Assessment Report - 17 January 2020
(PDF 296 kb) |
(Word 75 kb)
(PDF 1.3 mb)
Executive Summary
(PDF 261 kb)
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