A1244 - Chymosin from GM Trichoderma reesei as a processing aid (enzyme)


This application seeks approval to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code for approval of a new processing aid, a chymosin enzyme derived from a genetically modified strain of Trichoderma reesei, for use in the manufacture of certain dairy foods.

Approval report

Approval report - 15 August 2022 (pdf 994 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Safety and Food Technology at approval (pdf 598 kb)


Call for submissions (pdf 224 kb)

Supporting Document 1 - Safety and Food Technology (pdf 224 kb)


Department of Health VIC (PDF 195 kb)

New Zealand Food Safety (PDF 329 kb)

Executive Summary (pdf 207 kb)

Administrative Assessment - 15 November 2021(pdf 92.5 kb)

Application (1.36 mb)