Application A1077 - Fungal Chitosan as a Processing Aid


The purpose of this application is to permit the use of fungal chitosan from Aspergillus niger as a processing aid for a number of purposes including as a fining and clarifying agent in the manufacture of wine, beer, cider, spirits and food-grade ethanol.

Approval Report - 5 November 2013 (pdf 333 kb) | (word 127 kb)

Submissions (zip file 660 kb) | Comments received after closing date (zip file 27 kb)

Call for submissions - 12 August 2013 (pdf 650 kb) | (word 117 kb)

Administrative Assessment Report - 16 November 2012 (pdf 118 kb) | (word 82 kb)

Executive Summary (pdf 131 kb)

Application (pdf 8514 kb)

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