Full Report [ pdf 231kb ]
The Australia New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA) received an Application (A435) on
6 February 2001, from Novo Nordisk for the approval of a new source of the enzyme triacylglycerol lipase (EC, for use as a processing aid in the food industry. The Applicant seeks to include provision for lipase sourced from a strain of Aspergillus oryzae, which carries the gene coding for a lipase isolated from Fusarium oxysporum.
A total of 8 submissions were received in response to two rounds of public consultation - five supported the proposal, two disagreed and one had no comments. The main issues raised in the submissions The scientific evaluations concluded that approval of the use of lipase from a new source organism is technologically justified and poses no significant risk to public health and safety. None of the section 10 objectives in the Australia New Zealand Food Authority Act 1991 (ANZFA Act) are compromised by the proposed change to the Food Standards Code. It is recommended that the draft variations should come into effect on the date of gazettal.
Approval for use will provide Australian manufacturers with a processing aid, which is claimed to be more cost-effective and technologically efficient to manufacture and use.
Full Report [ pdf 231kb ]