Application A484 IAR - Exec summary


18 December 2002


Full Report [ pdf 202kb ]

Executive Summary

An application has been received from Monsanto Australia Limited to amend theAustralia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Food Standards Code) to approve food derived from a genetically modified (GM) insect-protected corn, called MON863 corn. Standard 1.5.2 - Food Produced using Gene Technology requires that GM foods undergo a pre-market safety assessment before they may be sold in Australia and New Zealand.

This Initial Assessment report is not an assessment of the merits of the application but rather is an assessment of whether the application should be accepted for further consideration, according to criteria laid down in the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991(the Act). It has been concluded that the application fulfils the requirements for Initial Assessment as prescribed in the Act. The application has therefore been accepted for further assessment.

The purpose of this report is to provide relevant information supplied by the applicant, to assist in identifying the affected parties and to outline the relevant issues necessary to complete assessment of the application, now that it has been accepted. The information needed to complete the assessment will include information received from public submissions.

There is currently no approval for the sale and use of food from MON863 corn. If this application is successful, FSANZ will amend the Food Standards Code and insert a permission to use food from MON863 corn in the Table to clause 2 of Standard 1.5.2.

MON863 corn has been genetically modified for protection against corn rootworm, a significant pest of corn crops in certain regions of the United States and Canada. Protection is conferred by the expression in the plant of a bacterially derived protein toxin (aBt-toxin) that is specific for beetle larvae. MON863 corn also contains a new gene encoding resistance to the antibiotic neomycin and related aminoglycoside antibiotics.

MON863 corn has been developed specifically for cultivation in North America and is not intended for cultivation in either Australia or New Zealand due to the absence of corn rootworm. Food derived from MON863 corn may however still enter the food supply in Australia and New Zealand via imported products.

Public submissions are now invited on this Initial Assessment report. Comments are specifically requested on the scientific aspects of this application, in particular, information relevant to the safety assessment of food from MON863 corn.

Full Report [ pdf 202kb ]