A492 exec Summary



19 March 2003


Full Report [ pdf 285kb]

Executive Summary

FSANZ received a paid application on 14 February 2003, from Genencor International to amend Standard 1.3.3 - Processing Aids of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Food Standards Code) to approve the use of a new enzyme, lysophospholipase (Enzyme Commission number EC number sourced from Aspergillus niger, as a processing aid. The enzyme is not sourced from a genetically modified organism.

This Initial Assessment report is not a detailed assessment of the application but rather an assessment of whether the application should undergo further consideration. The report is based mainly on information provided by the applicant and has been written to assist in identifying the affected parties and to outline expected relevant issues to complete the assessment. The information needed to complete the assessment will include information received from public submissions.

Processing aids are required to undergo a pre-market safety assessment before approval for use in Australia and New Zealand. There is currently no approval for the use of lysophospholipase in the Food Standards Code.

The objective of this assessment is to determine whether the Food Standards Code should be amended to permit the use of lysophospholipase sourced from Aspergillus niger.

The applicant claims lysophospholipase can be used to improve filtration rates in the process of hydrolysing wheat starch to produce caloric sweeteners.

Aspergillus niger is the source for the enzyme and has a long history of safe use in the production of food enzymes. Aspergillus niger is regarded as non-pathogenic and non-toxigenic. Aspergillus niger is the source organism for a number of approved enzymes listed in the Food Standards Code.

Lysophospholipase preparations meet both the current Food Chemical codex (FCC) and JECFA compendium of specifications for food grade enzyme preparations.

FSANZ believes the application fulfils the requirements for an Initial Assessment and so has decided to accept the application. Submissions are invited to assist in assessing this application which will be used for the Draft Assessment.

Full Report [ pdf 285kb ]