22 April 2021
This Notification Circular includes notices that are required to be given to the public, submitters and appropriate government agencies, under the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 (FSANZ Act).
For information about progress on all current applications and proposals, including anticipated consultation opportunities, see the FSANZ Food Standards Development Work Plan.
Calls for submissions
FSANZ invites written submissions on the Assessment of the following Application by 6pm (Canberra time) 20 May 2021
General procedure
- A1214 - Nicotinamide riboside chloride as Vitamin B3 in FSMP Application to amend the Food Standards Code to permit the use of nicotinamide riboside chloride as a permitted form of Vitamin B3 in food for special medical purposes (FSMPs).
To make a submission or ask about submissions email
Call for requests
Call for requests: 2021 Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) harmonisation [Australia only]
FSANZ periodically considers requests to harmonise MRLs in the Food Standards Code (the Code) with established international standards. MRLs that are established either by the codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) or nationally by an overseas recognised regulatory authority in the country where the food commodity is produced are considered. These changes are assessed through a FSANZ MRL harmonisation proposal, which is usually undertaken annually. The harmonisation process aims to facilitate trade in food while ensuring that chemical residue levels are safe. The proposal relates to Australian MRLs only.
The call for MRL harmonisation requests is now open for 2021 for all stakeholders and interested persons.
In 2020, FSANZ introduced a new process whereby MRLs adopted by the CAC at the preceding year's meeting would routinely be included for consideration in the MRL harmonisation proposal. This means stakeholders are not required to submit a harmonisation request for a codex MRL adopted by the 2019 CAC or thereafter. Please note, requests for harmonisation with codex MRLs that were adopted by the CAC prior to 2019 still need to be submitted.
In 2021, FSANZ advises that if a stakeholder intends to request to align with the MRL from the country where the food commodity is produced, and there is an existing higher codex MRL adopted for the same chemical/commodity combination, then stakeholders should request to align with the codex MRL.
FSANZ requests that the MRL and associated import data for the country the commodity is sourced/grown in is also provided in the harmonisation template.
Guidance material to assist with the preparation of MRL harmonisation requests is available on the FSANZ website and through the Guide for submitting MRL harmonisation requests (3rd edition, April 2018).
Requests must be lodged with FSANZ by 6pm (Canberra time) Friday 25 June 2021.
Completed harmonisation requests or queries can be sent to the MRL Team at FSANZ will acknowledge all requests received in writing within ten business days. Please contact us if you do not receive an acknowledgement.
Gazettal - Amendment No. 199
Amendment No. 199 to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code was published by FSANZ on 22 April 2021 (FSC 140). It included amendments resulting from the following Applications.
Futher information is available on the FSANZ Gazette web page.
Other matters
Amendment to Schedule 20 - Maximum residue limits (MRLs) [Australia only]
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has notified FSANZ of applications or variations to the APVMA MRL Standard that the APVMA considers will likely result in variations to Schedule 20 if they are granted.
More information on these notifications is available from our maximum residue limits page.
Calls for public comment - Proposed variations to Schedule 20
The APVMA has called for public comment on a number of proposed variations to Schedule 20.
Information can be found on the APVMA website.
Gazettal of amendments to Schedule 20
The APVMA has registered amendments to Schedule 20 on the Federal Register of Legislation. For further information go to the Register.
Information Publication Scheme - Important information for applicants and submitters
Under the Information Publication Scheme all applications to change the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, as well as submissions on applications and proposals, will be published on our website.
We will not publish any material provided in-confidence. Applications will be published when we publicly notify FSANZ's decision after an Administrative Assessment has been completed and the application has been accepted. Submissions will be published as soon as possible after the end of the public comment period. Where large numbers of documents are involved, FSANZ will make these available on CD, rather than on the website.
Contact us
If you wish to be advised of developments with any of the matters listed above or require more information about anything in this Circular, email
To make a submission or ask about submissions email
Visit our contact us page if you have general questions about our work.
Food Regulation Secretariat
In accordance with the Food Regulation Agreement, the Australian Government Department of Health is responsible for providing secretariat services to the Legislative Governance Forum on Food Regulation, the Food Regulation Standing Committee and the Implementation Subcommittee for Food Regulation.
The Food Regulation Secretariat sends information updates to stakeholders on a regular basis. If you would like to receive these updates (this is separate and in addition to updates from FSANZ), register your details via the Food Regulation website.
Alternatively, the Food Regulation Secretariat can be contacted on:
Phone: +61 2 6289 5128
Fax: +61 2 6289 5100
Postal Address:
Food Regulation Secretariat
MDP 802, GPO Box 9848