Amendment 139

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Amendment 139 contains amendments to the following Standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Please note that updated compilations of the Standards affected on FRLI may not be available for several weeks.

1.2.4 - Labelling of Ingredients

1.3.1 - Food Additives

1.3.3 - Processing Aids

1.4.1 - Contaminants and Natural Toxicants

1.5.1 - Novel Foods

1.5.2 - Food Produced Using Gene Technology

2.5.4 - Cheese

2.6.2 - Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Brewed Soft Drinks

2.9.5 - Food for Special Medical Purposes

Standards affected by an amendment relating to the changed commencement date of Food Standards (Proposal P242 - Food for Special Medical Purposes - Consequential) Variation and Standard 2.9.5 - Food for Special Medical Purposes Notice Amendment 2012 (No 1)

1.1.1 - Preliminary Provisions - Application, Interpretation and General Prohibitions

1.1A.6 - Transitional Standard for Special Purposes Foods (Including Amino Acid Modified Foods)

1.2.1 - Application of Labelling and Other Information Requirements

1.3.1 - Food Additives

1.3.4 - Identity and Purity

2.9.5 - Food for Special Medical Purposes

The Applications and Proposal under which these amendments are made are as follows: