Published 26 July 2014 The following documents relate to the 1st round of submissions called in 2013. Submissions (zip file 25,571 kb) Call for submissions - 23 May 2013 (pdf 219 kb) Attachments Attachment A1 - Chapters 1-5 - Draft variations to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (pdf 1.47 mb) (amended on 24 May 2013) Attachment A2 - Schedule - Draft variations to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (pdf 1.29 mb) (amended on 24 May 2103) Attachment B - Draft Explanatory Statement (pdf 237 kb) Attachment C - Response to code Review report (pdf 101 kb) Attachment D - Amendments that could not be dealt with under the minor procedure (pdf 35 kb) Attachment E - Comparison table - current code to new food regulatory measure (pdf 121 kb) Attachment F - Comparison table - draft food regulatory measure to current code (pdf 79 kb) Attachment G - Diagram of relationship of current code provisions and draft food regulatory measure provisions (pdf 94 kb) Administrative Assessment Report - 17 December 2012 (pdf 24 kb)