Published 1 May 2015 The purpose of this Proposal is to consider varying certain maximum residue limits for residues of agricultural or veterinary chemicals that may occur in food. Approval Report - 19 February 2015 (pdf 1463 kb) | (word 272 kb) Supporting document 1- MRL changes and dietary exposure estimates (at Approval) (pdf 695 kb) | (word 136 kb) Submissions (zip file1003 kb) | Late comment (pdf 594 kb) Call for submissions - 31 October 2014 (pdf 808 kb) | (word 174 kb) Supporting document 1 - Proposed MRL changes and dietary exposure estimates for the Australian population (pdf 694 kb) | (word 146 kb) Administrative Assessment Report -1 April 2014 (pdf 155 kb) | (word 63 kb)