Published 17 May 2016 The purpose of the Proposal is to amend the Code to include food safety microbiological criteria for infant formula, aligning with international (codex) standards. Approval Report - 17 March 2016 (pdf 413 kb) | (word 164 kb) Supporting document 2 - Process hygiene criteria (at Approval) (pdf 160 kb) | (word 72 kb) Submissions (zip file 1548 kb) Call for submissions - 9 October 2015 (pdf 707 kb) | (word 202 kb) Supporting document 1 - Scientific evidence informing the proposed microbiological criteria (pdf 298 kb) | (word 132 kb) Supporting document 2 - Process hygiene criteria in powdered infant formula products (pdf 300 kb) | (word 70 kb) Administrative Assessment Report - 31 July 2015 (word 72 kb)