Call for comment on proposed changes to the regulation of electrolyte drinks

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today released a consultation paper on proposed changes to the regulation of electrolyte drinks.

FSANZ Chief Executive Officer Mr Mark Booth invited public comment on the proposed changes to Food Standards Code requirements for the labelling and composition of electrolyte drinks.

“The changes proposed are designed to support better public health outcomes, including by allowing manufacturers to reduce sugar content and making on-pack health claims clearer for consumers.

“We're proposing to lower the minimum content requirement for carbohydrates in electrolyte drinks, from 50 grams per litre to 20 g/L.

“Our assessment found electrolyte drinks with a carbohydrate content of 2% have a similar effect on rehydration and exercise performance as those currently permitted in the Code.

“We're also proposing to permit three specific on-pack health claims that provide clear guidance on the effects of appropriate consumption of electrolyte drinks.

“All other health claims, including self-substantiated health claims, will be prohibited, supporting people to make informed decisions about their consumption of electrolyte drinks.

FSANZ's assessment has had regard to best available scientific evidence, relevant policy advice, stakeholder views, and costs and benefits.

All submissions received in response to public consultation will be considered as a key part of FSANZ's ongoing assessment of this proposal. 

The comment period closes at 6pm (Canberra time) 9 July 2021.

What happens with my feedback?
Submissions will be published to our website as soon as possible after the end of the public comment period.
FSANZ will consider all feedback received through this submission process before making a decision on whether to approve the proposal.  
FSANZ's decision will be notified to ministers responsible for food regulation who can ask for a review or agree that the standard should become law.
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