Call for comment on proposed changes to better align food classifications with international systems

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today released a call for comment on proposed changes to better align food classifications in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) with international systems.

The proposed changes to Schedule 22 - Food and classes of foods of the Code aim to improve compliance with and enforcement of maximum residue limits (MRLs) for agricultural and veterinary (agvet) chemicals used in food production.

FSANZ Interim CEO Dr Sandra Cuthbert said the proposal sought to address inconsistencies between the food names and classes of food in the Code and those adopted by the international food standards body codex.

“The proposed changes are designed to provide clarity for enforcement agencies, government regulators, farmers, retailers and importers who need to know which MRL applies to a particular food produced or imported for sale in Australia,' Dr Cuthbert said.

“codex classifications form the basis of systems used by many of our international trading partners and the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) in establishing MRLs in Australia.

“The changes also will help to promote international harmonisation of food standards, assisting trading partners requesting to align MRLs for agvet chemicals for food import purposes.'

The proposed amendments will not make any changes to current MRLs in the Code.

MRLs are the highest amount of an agvet chemical residue that is allowed to remain in or on a food sold in Australia.

These limits are based on how much of a chemical is needed to control pests and/or diseases and are set well below the acceptable levels to protect public health and safety.

FSANZ invites comments from interested parties on the proposed amendments by 6pm (Canberra time) 5 May 2022

For more information on the proposal and how you can have your say see our call for comment page.


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