Call for comment on proposed changes to kava food standard

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is calling for public comment on proposed changes to the food standard regulating kava use.

FSANZ has reviewed the kava standard in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) to support a Federal Government pilot program which will allow commercial importation of kava into Australia to build stronger cultural and economic ties with Pacific Island nations.
FSANZ interim CEO Dr Sandra Cuthbert said the proposed changes would clarify the original intent of the kava standard to limit the preparation and consumption of kava beverage to traditional use.
“Kava beverage has a long history of consumption in the South Pacific and plays an important role in traditional community ceremonies where it is consumed as a beverage,” Dr Cuthbert said.
“We've reviewed the kava standard in the Code to ensure it continues to meet its intent to support traditional use and protect public health and safety.   
“The proposed changes include the requirement for kava beverage to be produced for consumption at the place of preparation.
“FSANZ considers this best describes traditional kava preparation and consumption.”
FSANZ also proposes to add a provision to ensure food additives and processing aids are not added to dried or raw kava root or kava beverages.
The public consultation period will close by 6pm (Canberra time) 23 December 2021.
What happens to my feedback?
Submissions will be published to our website as soon as possible after the end of the public comment period. We will consider all feedback received through this submission process as part of our initial consideration of Proposal P1057.  
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