Contact us

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) develops food standards using the best available scientific evidence, monitors food safety, helps consumers make informed choices and coordinates food incidents and recalls in Australia. 


Food regulatory agencies

The following enquiries should be directed to other agencies:

Contacting FSANZ

For general questions about FSANZ's work, please use the enquiry form below.

For questions about food safety, contamination, or food business permits, contact your local food regulatory agency.

Enquiry form

Our contact hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (AEST/NZST), excluding public holidays. 

Phone: +61 2 6228 8226
Mail: PO Box 5423, Kingston ACT 2604, Australia

New Zealand
Phone: +64 4 978 5630
Mail: PO Box 10559, Wellington 6140, New Zealand

Media enquiries

Media releases

Food recalls (Australia)

If you are a food business wanting to conduct a recall, please use the following contact details:

State and territory food recall contacts Food recalls New Zealand

Subscriptions and social media

Stay up-to-date with FSANZ by subscribing to our regular email newsletters or follow us on Facebook or Linkedin.
