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The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election. 

Checklist for events held by charities and community organisations


If you are organising an event, you need to make sure the food provided is safe and suitable and that your charity or community organisation complies with food safety requirements.

Below is a checklist of questions to help you meet the food safety standards for your event.

Have you:

  • notified your enforcement agency about the event and checked requirements with them? 
  • checked that premises and temporary stalls are clean and appropriate for the activities? 
  • provided the supervisor or food handlers with information on safely preparing, transporting and displaying food, and their health and hygiene responsibilities?
  • checked that hand washing and toilet facilities are available at the site?
  • checked that drinkable water is available at the site, or an adequate supply will be transported to the site?
  • checked that food grade sanitiser is available?
  • checked that equipment needed to keep food at safe temperatures (cold or hot) is available and is working
  • checked that at least one food thermometer will be available to check food temperatures?
  • checked whether power and/or gas is available if needed?
  • determined how and where to dispose of waste water and rubbish?

For further details on requirements and practical tips, refer to our fact sheets.


Page last updated: 19 February 2018