A1249 - Addition of phytosterols, phytostanols or their esters as a novel food to plant-based milk alternatives


This application seeks approval to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to permit the addition of phytosterols, phytostanols or their esters as a novel food to plant-based milk alternatives.

Approval Report

Approval Report - 4 November 2022 (pdf 494 kb)

Supporting document 1 - Risk and Technical Assessment (at Approval) (pdf 430 kb)

Call for submissions (pdf 254 kb)

  • Supporting Document 1 - Safety and Food Technology (pdf 418 kb)


Ministry for Primary Industries (pdf 170 kb)

Department of Health and Human Services VIC (pdf 240 kb)

Administrative Assessment - 25 January 2022(pdf 92.2 kb)

Executive Summary (pdf 194 kb)

Application (pdf 856 kb)