Application A1261 - Irradiation – Increase in maximum energy level:


The application is to increase the maximum energy level for machines generating X-rays used to irradiate food, from 5 megaelectronvolts (MeV) to 7.5 MeV, provided the X-ray target of the machine source is made of tantalum or gold.


A1261 Approval report (642 KB)

A1261 Supporting document 1 - at approval (297 KB)

Call for submissions

A1261 Submissions zip (4.36 MB)

A1261 Call for submissions (pdf 351kb)

A1261 Supporting document 1 - Risk and technical assessment (PDF 313kb)

Administrative assessment

Administrative Assessment - 17 November 2022 (pdf 109 kb) (word 72.2 kb)

Executive Summary (pdf 114 kb)

A1261 Application (pdf 1.7mb)