Literature review on the impact of label format on consumers' attention and comprehension for mandated label elements


(July 2013)

This review was undertaken for Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to support its technical consideration of the four following recommendations from the Blewett et al. (2011) report, Labelling Logic: Review of Food Labelling Law and Policy:

  • Recommendation 6: That the food and safety elements on the food label be reviewed with the aim to maximise the effectiveness of food safety communication.
  • Recommendation 47: That warning and advisory statements be emboldened and allergens emboldened both in the ingredients list and in a separate list.
  • Recommendation 43: That the Perceptible Information Principle (PIP) be used as a guide for labelling presentation to maximise label comprehension among a wide range of consumers.
  • Recommendation 17: That the declaration in the Nutrition Information Panel of amount of nutrients per serve be no longer mandatory unless a daily intake claim is made.

Download: Literature review on the impact of label format on consumers' attention and comprehension for mandated label elements (pdf 1.7mb) | (word 2mb)