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Regulatory Science Network


(August 2015)
Established in 2011, The Australian Government Regulatory science Network (RSN) is a network of Australian government agencies responsible for regulating chemicals (including radio-isotopes) and/or biological agents. RSN membership includes:
The RSN is a forum for its member agencies to discuss regulatory scientific issues and improve interagency cooperation. The objective of the RSN is to improve the performance of Australian government regulatory agencies by strengthening evidence-based decision-making through:
  • Improving operational effectiveness
  • Capacity building
  • Promoting consistent approaches to regulatory decision-making
  • Developing proposals for consideration by the Regulators' Forum
The RSN conducts at least one major scientific activity each year to promote regulatory science exchange among the member agencies.
A Risk Governance Symposium was held in Canberra in July 2015. Presentations delivered at the Symposium are available on the Society for Risk Analysis website.

More information

Page last updated: 1 December 2015