Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) disclaims liability, including for negligence, for any loss or injury directly or indirectly sustained by any person as a result of any reliance upon (including reading or using) the data in AUSNUT 2011-13. Any person relying on AUSNUT 2011-13 should seek independent legal advice in relation to any queries they may have regarding obligations imposed under the standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
AUSNUT 2011-13 contains third party data and material (see Acknowledgements below). The copyright owners of that data and material have agreed to FSANZ making that data and material publicly available through a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence (see below). However, FSANZ makes no warranty that any such use will not infringe any third party's rights, including intellectual property rights.
FSANZ has taken great care to ensure the material provided in AUSNUT 2011-13 is as correct and accurate as possible. However, FSANZ makes no warranty that the material contained in AUSNUT 2011-13 will be free from error, or if used, will ensure compliance with the relevant requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
FSANZ also advises you that any reference to a brand name product contained in AUSNUT 2011-13 is not to be taken as an authoritative statement of the composition of that product, due to changes in formulation that may have occurred since the FSANZ data were generated. It is also not to be taken as a statement that a particular product complies, or does not comply, with any labelling declarations that might have been made for it or with any regulatory requirements. If you require current data on a specific branded product you should contact the manufacturer of that product.
FSANZ recommends that users viewing AUSNUT 2011-13 for dietary purposes, consult a heath care practitioner for a comprehensive dietary assessment.
FSANZ makes AUSNUT 2011-13 available on the understanding that you will exercise your own skill, care and judgment with respect to its use and you will carefully evaluate the accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance of the material for your purposes.
Any reliance on AUSNUT 2011-13 is also subject to the conditions, disclaimer and limitations set out at /disclaimer and in the Creative Commons Licence referred to below.
By using any data or material in AUSNUT 2011-13, you acknowledge all the above and that that in no event shall FSANZ be liable for any loss, injury or damage resulting from any use of the data or material.
© Food Standards Australia New Zealand
ISBN: 978-0-642-34582-0
Published May 2014, updated September 2014
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) supports and encourages the dissemination and exchange of information.
Information in AUSNUT 2011-13 is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0) Licence, except for:
- the Food Standards Australia New Zealand logo.
The details of the licence conditions and the full legal code for the CC BY 3.0 licence are available on the Creative Commons website (accessible using the link provided).
You may copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the data and material in AUSNUT 2011-13 covered by the CC BY 3.0 licence for commercial and non-commercial purposes; but you must attribute the work in the following manner:
© Food Standards Australia New Zealand.
This attribution must not, in anyway, suggest that FSANZ endorses you or your use of the work. For more information email info@foodstandards.gov.au
FSANZ Australia
PO Box 7186
Canberra BC ACT 2610 Australia
Ph: +61 2 6271 2222
Fax: +61 2 6271 2278
FSANZ New Zealand
PO Box 10559, The Terrace WELLINGTON 6143
Ph: +64 4 473 5630
Fax: +64 4 473 9855
The data in AUSNUT 2011-13 were prepared by FSANZ staff over several years. Staff directly involved included, in alphabetical order, Janis Baines, Lynette Brayshaw, Lucy Crowe, Judy Cunningham, Gillian Duffy, Betsy Joseph, Greg Milligan, Katinka Mitchell, Pierre Pouliquin, Susan Shaw, Renee Sobolewski, Shari Tompsett, Graham Trout, Anna Vincent and Liz Williams. Jonathon Rumbold from Omnipotent Solutions provided information technology support.
FSANZ would also like to thank the many people outside FSANZ who provided data for inclusion in AUSNUT 2011-13 or reviewed some of the data before publication. In particular, FSANZ would like to acknowledge:
- Professor Heather Greenfield - FSANZ acknowledges the contribution of copyright nutrient composition data from Professor Heather Greenfield and co-workers at the University of New South Wales. Data has been reproduced with permission. Enquires on these data should be referred to the University of New South Wales.
- Professor Jennie Brand-Miller for providing permission for FSANZ to reproduce data published in Tables of Composition of Australian Aboriginal Foods
- McCance and Widdowson The Composition of Foods and its supplements, which are Crown Copyright and are reproduced with the permission of the UK Food Standards Agency on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Enquiries on these data should be referred to the UK Food Standards Agency
- the United States Department of Agriculture's National Nutrient Database for Standard Release
- the New Zealand food composition team and their food composition databases FOODFiles and Concise Tables
- the Danish Food Composition Databank
- the German Food Composition tables
- the Therapeutic Goods Administration for providing FSANZ with dietary supplement formulation data
- analytical laboratories for generating nutrient data for analytical programs undertaken by FSANZ
- the food industry and other government agencies for providing FSANZ with analytical data and peer reviewing portions of the AUSNUT 2011-13 database.