Every coded food in the 2011-12 NNPAS has been allocated to one of the following three areas in the ADG classification system:
1. Classified foods -NNPAS foods that are directly mapped to one of the ADG Five Food Group or key food group classifications or a sub-group of these major groups. An example of a classified food is white bread.
2. Recipe foods -NNPAS foods that do not have a direct match to one of the ADG classifications and have two or more ingredients, and therefore need to be broken down to their main ingredients via a recipe. The ingredients in the recipe will be at the level which may fit into ADG classifications. For example, a recipe for fruit bread/raisin toast will have a recipe comprising bread and dried fruit, both of which have specific ADG classifications.
3. No classification - Some foods and drinks did not fit directly into the Five Food Group or key food group classifications and were determined not to warrant a recipe for a number of reasons including: that the food is consumed in small amounts (e.g. yeast spreads); is not eaten on its own (e.g. gelatine); has negligible nutrients (e.g. non-nutritive sweeteners) is not necessary for a healthy balanced diet (e.g. confectionary) and/or is not part of the ADGs (e.g. whey protein powder). This means that these foods are not included in estimates of the consumption of ADG food groups.