The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.
Search results 31-40 of 2373
Reviews of food-health relationships for high level health claims
Reviews of food-health relationships for high level health claims Standard 1.2.7 - Nutrition, health and related claims includes requirements for making high level health claims. High level health claims must be based on a food-health relationship pre-approved by FSANZ. These relationships are listed in Schedule 4 of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code). New food-health relationships for high level health claims can only be included in Schedule 4 following assessment of an application or proposal to change the Code. This assessment includes a systematic review of the evidence supporting the food-health relationship, in accordance with the high level health claims variation procedure in the FSANZ Act 1991. Reviews of existing high level health claims in Schedule…
Published 12 January 2023
Allergen labelling for consumers
Allergen labelling for consumers Some foods and ingredients can cause allergic reactions including anaphylaxis, immune reactions such as in Coeliac disease, and other adverse health reactions such as asthma. From 25 February 2024, food businesses are required to meet new plain English allergen labelling requirements for how certain foods known to be common allergens are declared. These changes will mean food allergen information is clearer and easier to find on food labels. If a food was packaged and labelled before the 25 February 2024, and it does not declare allergens in the new required format, then it can still be sold for another two years (until 25 February 2026). Allergen labelling still…
Published 12 October 2022
Labelling information for consumers
Labelling information for consumers Food labels can provide a wide range of information to help consumers make food choices. Food labels also help to protect public health and safety by displaying information such as use by dates, ingredients, certain allergens, instructions for storage and preparation, and advisory and warning statements. FSANZ sets standards for what information must be on food labels. Related links
Published 17 August 2020
Energy labelling of alcoholic beverages
Energy labelling of alcoholic beverages In response to a request from food ministers, FSANZ has been exploring energy labelling of alcoholic beverages. In June 2021, FSANZ completed an evidence assessment, including a literature review on consumer value, understanding and behaviour relating to energy labelling of alcoholic beverages, which:
- identified that, unlike most other packaged food and beverages, labels on most packaged alcoholic beverages do not provide information about energy content to enable consumers to make informed choices in line with dietary guidelines, and
- concluded that in the context of Australian and New Zealand dietary guidelines and ministerial policy guidance, labelling is an appropriate approach to address this issue. …
Published 3 May 2022
Health Star Rating System
Health Star Rating System The Health Star Rating (HSR) is a voluntary front-of-pack labelling system that rates the overall nutritional profile of packaged food and assigns it a rating from ½ a star to 5 stars. It provides a quick, easy, standard way to compare similar packaged foods. The more stars, the healthier the choice. The HSR system was implemented in Australia and New Zealand in June 2014, and is jointly funded by Australian, state and territory and New Zealand governments. See the Health Start Rating system website…
Published 16 March 2021
Labelling poster - how to read food labels
Labelling poster - how to read food labels Most packaged foods are required to have a label with important information to help you make informed choices about what you and your family eats. The information required varies depending on the food. Remember certain information about foods that are unlabelled (e.g. fresh fruit and vegetables, or food that is purchased from where it is made such as cafes, bakeries or takeaway shops) may still need to be provided. This information is usually either displayed with the food or provided if you ask for it, for example, if the food contains certain allergens or directions for using or storing the food safely. FSANZ is responsible for developing and maintaining the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, which includes standards for food labelling…
Published 13 May 2020
Labelling for religious, environmental, animal welfare and other consumer value issues
Labelling for religious, environmental, animal welfare and other consumer value issues Some food labels include information that relates to people's personal values/ethics, such as:
- religious reasons (e.g. 'halal', 'kosher')
- environmental concerns (e.g. carbon footprint labelling, palm oil labelling in relation to rainforest destruction)
- animal welfare concerns (e.g. 'RSPCA approved', 'dolphin friendly')
- human rights issues (e.g. fair trade, child labour).
Published 6 April 2017
Labelling of alcoholic beverages
Labelling of alcoholic beverages The Food Standards Code includes specific information requirements for labelling of alcoholic beverages. These may vary depending on the concentration of alcohol in the beverage. This is measured in alcohol by volume (ABV). Statement of alcohol content All beverages containing 0.5% or more ABV must include information on the label about the alcohol content (Standard 2.7.1). For alcoholic beverages containing more than 1.15% ABV, the label must include the alcohol content as a percentage of ABV or mL/100 ml.
- For example, the label might read that the beverage contains 5% ABV or the alcohol content is 5ml/100ml of the beverage.
Published 9 August 2022
Food additive labelling
Food additive labelling Food additives in most packaged food must be listed in the statement of ingredients on the label. Most food additives must be listed by their class name followed by the name of the food additive or the food additive number, for example, Colour (Caramel I) or Colour (150a). Enzymes and most flavourings (or flavour) do not need to be named or identified by a food additive number and can be labelled by their class name only. The class name indicates what the food additive does (i.e. its purpose). Read a list of the most common class names of food additives. Food additive numbers (based on an internationally-accepted numbering system) can be used as an alternative to names which can be long and confusing. The lists below…
Published 1 December 2021
Sugar labelling
Sugar labelling The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) includes requirements for food labels to include the total amount of sugars in the nutrition information panel (NIP). Total sugars includes sugar that is naturally present in the food and sugar that has been added as an ingredient. The code contains requirements for foods that make claims about sugar. For example, foods that claim to be 'low sugar' cannot contain more than 2.5 g of sugar per 100 mL of liquid food or 5g per 100g of solid food. There are also requirements for claims such as 'reduced sugar', 'x% sugar free', 'no added sugar' and 'unsweetened'. More information